Best VHF/UHF Log Periodic 100MHz to 1300MHz

The Best 100MHz to 1300MHz Log Periodic Array
The perfect log periodic dipole array for VHF & UHF applications
For Commerical or Ham use
100-LOG-1300 - 100MHz to 1300MHz Log Periodic Array (LPDA) is a 50Ω direct fed Directional wide band antenna for receiving and transmitting purposes. This antenna can be mounted horizontally or vertically with an optional mount.
As with all InnovAntennas products, only the highest quality materials are used including aerospace grade aluminium and marine grade (A4) stainless steel.
The 130-LOG-1300 uses a twin-boom arrangement as a feed line as well as a dipole support. The feedlines are fixed in spacing, it has very wide bandwidth with excellent Front to Back (F/B) as a result of the inclusion of parasitic reflectors and directors at either end of the antenna. 1/2'' (12.7mm), 3/8'' (9.525mm) and 1/4'' (6.35mm) elements are used to ensure maximum gain and bandwidth is acheived acros the whole working range. the boom is made from twin thick-wall 3/4'' suqare tubes for a super rigid contruction with twin U-clamps at the rear.
Often, LPDA's are designed with a 200Ω feed point which ensures bandwidth. However, this results in the need for a 4:1 transforming balun which both reduces efficiency and limits any input power too. The 130-LOG-1300 has been computer optimised to present a 50Ω feed point to allow for direct connection to ocax cable and thus, power limitations are largely removed.
For all your Log Periodic requirements, contact InnovAntennas
130-LOG-1300 Specifications:
Typical Gain: 7.7dBi (up to 8.5dBi)
Typical F/B: 20dB+ (up to 45dB F/B)
Input power (max): 1Kw
Weight: 2.7Kilos
Wind Survival: 150MPH/250KPH
Contact us with any questions you may have relating to your specific requirements
Example Patttern Overlays 144MHz, 250MHz, 400MHz, 550MHz, 700MHz, 850MHz,
1000MHz, 1150MHz, 1300MHz below:
For customer variations of this antenna or a bespoke requirement, contact sales 'at'
A close-up shot of the parralell feed lines which double at rigid booms. The wall thickness of these booms is 3.2mm
Rear to front view of the 130-LOG-1300 - elements taper from 1/2'' (12.7mm), to 3/8'' (9.525mm) to 1/4'' (6.35mm)