InnovAntennas Customer Comments

As of March January 2013, we are now posting customer comments and photos on Facebook like 'innovantennas' to catch the latest news and reviews! Previous comments below:


I tried the antenna with 4 kW, works very well, 1.2 SWR, fantastic! Saturday, March 9 buy two more for the FM broadcast on different frequencies. thank you very much

- madreceleste - purchased Broadcast band 3el OWL rear mount for 107MHz January 2013


Hi Justin,

Please see photo below, array sitting at 12.5 mtrs at boom, I will be changing rotators shortly, so as to be able to elevate the array.

I had an opportunity to operate on the weekend for the VHF contest, with a nice contact into Germany with DF5GZ/P.... 70 watts into the array.

Very impressed with the way it's performing so far, I'm receiving the GB3VHF beacon without any issues and have done since the array was mounted on the mast.

I have a couple of recordings of the beacon and so I may well email it to you out of interest, I'll also be in touch about a couple of 70cm Yagis shortly.

Pat MW0XMG - purchased 4 x 6el 144MHz LFAs January 2013


Hi Coley & Justin, Rx'd the 4 element 50MHz LFA-Q today & all looks great. Thanks for all the advice and prompt follow up, you guys have a great business, 73

VK3UDX - purchased 4el 50MHZ LFA-Q January 2013

Review by WB6RTH - Florida USA

Hi Justin,

It seems like all projects here take about twice as long as expected, but finally the four LFAs are assembled, and all is up on the tower and working.

I have a lot of local noise, but don't have to rotate the azimuth rotator very far before the noise drops way down.  Also when I elevate above 20 degrees, the noise completely disappears.  That's why I decided on the LFAs, and they sure work as advertised.

I'm happy to report that I made my first two 6 meter EME qsos this morning (with W7GJ and N7NW), very exciting and very satisfying after all the work getting everything ready to go.

I didn't take any pictures during antenna assembly, but quite a few after everything was up on the tower, so am attaching some of them to this email.

Thanks for all your help.

73, Tim - N3XX - Purchased 4 x 7el WOS 50MHz LFA Yagis, splitters and Equip. Summer 2012

The 6 meter 6.8meter LFA antenna is performing very very well, I am hearing stations louder than before and FB ratio is fantastic. Great antenna! Thanks very much for your support for assistance. 73 and Happy Holidays.

WP4O, Ed, EL87rv Tampa Florida - purchased 6el 50MHz LFA summer 2012

Hi Justin,

Thought you might like to know that the stacked array has now been installed. It is mounted on a 15ft pole, points in a southeasterly direction and is performingly extremely well. The adjustment to the trombones to get a low SWR was minimal and was achieved by pointing the array vertically skywards  and it hasn't changed now it is in position, currently reading less than  1.1 around 156 Mc/s.

On the receive side, there is excellent reception across the band from 156 to 162 mc/s with data pulses being heard on 161.975 and 162.025 which are the two channels for AIS. I am about to rig up an AIS Rx using the PC as a chart plotter and will be interested to see whether if I can pick up the off shore stations.

Incidently, I just happened to switch to airband and was surprised to find how good reception is there also. 

In short, I'm very happy with the product, both from the quality/performance and also the one to one advice in the first place.

Many thanks and kind regards.


G4YXX, purchased 2 x Marine band 3el LFA Yagis, splitter and cabling August 2012


Hello Justin.........................Just to let you know that the 2m 6ele LFA I ordered has arrived. Just finished putting it together, and it works a treat.  Got it on a 10 ft pole at the moment, and on my bird with a 5 watt module, the reflected power is very small, the needle just moves off its stop by a couple of needle widths, so not going to fiddle with it. That was using the 0.870 figure in your docs. QTH only 50ft ASL, but can here now both GB3ANG and GB3VHF. Conditions flat, and would exspect to JUST hear ANG with the existing yagi 20 ft higher, but not VHF.

Geoff, GW3ATZ - purchased 1 x 6el 144MHz LFA September 2012

' I just received a 6 meter 5 element LFA model  LFA-VR Yagi (4.35meter boom) last nite which went together just fine.

 I wanted to go with one of your 6 element models but the distributor in Ohio only had this model in stock and the price was much to good to not purchase it, plus I need it fast.

 All in all I'm glad that I went with the 5 element as it fits my rotation space and works great. 

 It went together fine and I am now comparing it to an old worn out M2 6M5X that I have had for many years, it does have much lower noise than the M2 does.

 The vast majority of my neighborhood noise is down considerably, I can actually point to japan or the pacific and hear quiet now where previously my best low noise direction was to Europe.

 Since I'm in the Pacific northwest I have had only one good opening on 6meters  DX wise and it was the great June 29th Europe opening of this year.

 I wish I had the LFA at that time then maybe I could have made more contacts than I did with my little 35 watt station and the M2 yagi but I didn't know about the LFA design until after the opening the following day when I was listening to my Neighbor, Lew W7EW talking about his stack of LFA's'.

Mike May WB8VLC/7 Salem, Oregon - purchased 1 x 6el 50MHz LFA July 2012


'Justin, hi !!

Installation complete !! Congratulations for your product. Material choice is, indeed, perfect. See , the most recent post, for further details.

Best regards from Rhodes,'

Stathis, SV5DKL - purchased 1 x 4el 50MHz LFA July 2012


'Hi Justin, the array is very quiet compared with my previous (8 x 8wl, US brand) antennas. I hear so much more now and can regularly work into the UK from Croatia. 

This system is incredible, thanks so much.'

Zvonko, 9A2AE - purchased 16 x 11el 144MHz LFA Yagi November 2011


'Hello Justin, The IARU 144mhZ contest gave me an opportunity to test out the new LFA yagi.Note: I could NOT use my preamplifier. (developed a fault?) or needs re-aligning. So all the stations worked over past two days is just with the yagi alone and 150W. Receiver DB6NT 144 - TR144 H.  Into my Yaesu FT1000MP IF. Coaxial cables heliax FSJ450 Except around the rotor which is Andrews CN-300.

10 countries worked: DL,EA,EI,G,GD,GM,GW,HB9,ON,PA.


IN 73,78,83,87,88,93,95,96,97,98.

JN 03,05,06,09,15,18,36.

JO 00,01,02,11,21,22,32.

IO 63,70,74,75,80,81,83,84,92,93.

Odx 887km HB9EI.

Just picked off the interesting ones a total of 50 contacts only.


The noise floor is quite low, now my QRM problem has gone around -120 to-125 here

(probably not EME standard hi) but I am not pointing at the sky. Front to back

pretty impressive.

Best rx distance 2227km to beacon in Madeira Island.'

Ralph G4ALY - purchased 1 x 10el 144MHz LFA Yagi August 2012


'I could not have picked a better time for this project, the first week with the antenna has been a week with nice openings on 15 meter. The first 5 days operating the antenna I logged about 60 stations collecting 46 DXCC on all continents including KH2, KH6, 5N, 9M, XE, W6, W7, VU, V8, JA and more....'

'....the InnovAntennas 15 meter OP-DES yagi is well made out of quality material, and it works well.thank you!!'

Bjorn, SE0X Contest Station - purchased 5el 21MHz OP-DES July 2012


'Very impressed with quality and workman-ship of the antenna so far. '

Ron Adam GM4ILS - purchased 4el 50MHz LFA July 2012


Eham review by Dean, 8P6SH :
8P6SH - purchased a 6el 50MHz LFA-LAX - june 2012


'Just worked 6 OK 's a load of HB9's with very flat conditions  and the sun noise is very noticeable with the elevation rotator , thou had to download iPhone app to tell me where it was !. With the SSB pre amp I only had the ask very few times for repeated info but got asked several times to repeat mine even running high power. No indicated SWR or reflected power at all...'

..and later...


'Update antennas are working great heard my CW off the moon after a little trying and without any ground gain. So very pleased. Ps nice to pile ups on 2m aurora again !'

Richard - G4CDN - purchased 4 x 9el 144MHz LFA Yagis, 1 x H frame, cabling, 4 port splitter and preamp June 2012


'Antenna working Fantastic!!  I cannot measure any reflected power with the Amplifier putting out 160 watts on 144200.00  I have set the dimensions exactly as shown from manual an everything works fine.'

 Bruce - N9BX - purchased 1 x 10el 144MHz LFA June 2012


'Good morning Justin, Thank you very much for your last information. It's complete I shall have to adjust the SWR. I shall hold you informed I am anxious to congratulate you also on the excellent mechanical quality of your antennas.

Good luck and, I hope to contact you on the air.'

Marc GREGOIRE - F6GNR - purchased 1 x 13el 144MHz LFA Yagi June 2012


All up and working Justin. Need to trim for SWR (1.3 at mo) due to close proximity  of trees. Initial results look very promising. I am changing feeder to LDF450 tomorrow. Will let you know more later in the week. 

All best wishes from a happy customer.

Roger G4HBA - purchased 1 x 6.8m long 6el 50MHz LFA Yagi May 2012


'Hi Bill, received antenna today. It looks well built, much stronger than M2. Also, nice SS hardware. I will put it together tomorrow and tune it. Well let you know before seeing you at Dayton.'

73, Dave, W9DR - purchased 1 x 5el 50MHz DXpedition OP-DES March 2012


'​Hi Justin, Antennas are working great, SWR 1.1:1 on 432.2MHz ! tnx for test QSO with factory, suprised to hear your 30w. All the best.'

Trevor, G2KF - purchased 2 x 30el 432MHz LFA April 2012

'Hello Justin,

I have just put up the antenna. Have  not work anyone yet but measure SWF. At 50.000 to 50.300 MHz measured with a Bird 43 and a 50A plug (50W 25-60 MHz) the pointer goes up under 1/2 mm in back position with 60 W out. So the SWF is exelent low.
Thank´s Justin for all and best 73', Ronny Lindhé SM4CSK - purchased 1 x 7el OP-DES 50MHz April 2012


'Hi Justin, Antenna is now working fine. SWR is 1:1.3 from 50.000 to 50.800. Increases fast above 50.800. Not to bad at all with influence of HF antenne, Coax switch and lightning protection taken in account. I have made 1st contact with this antenna with a German station this morning (59 both ways). Heard a Ukranian station yesterday but had no time to work him.

Thanks very much for all the help.'  Vy 73 de Pascal – PA1BR purchased 6el 6.8m 50MHz LFA April 2012


With the outer legs fully inserted into the tubes (loop), swr is flat  1:1 from 50001 to someplace near 50500.  Amazing.  I first thought I was transmitting into a dummy load but I don’t have one that works at 6m.  all I need now is some propagation to somewhere.  Es season will be kicking off soon, I hope.

Jim N1NK - purchased 4el 50MHz LFA March 2012

Hi Justin, Just to let you know how satisfied I am with the 4m antenna purchase. The antenna end caps that were missing arrived ok the next day . Assembling the antenna and forming the 1:1 Balun using Wesflex 103 was straight forward.
Matching the antenna took at best only 30 mins and the final SWR at 70.200 was just a margin above 1:1 excellent. Tring beacon coming in 5/5 5/7. A satisfied customer.

73 Andy G0AYZ - purchased a 3el 70MHz OWL Yagi April 2012


Hi Justin, The LFA is really very quiet, I have a SteppIR which has 4 elements on 6m and the antennas do not compare on this band. I have already worked South Africa and Senegal with 100w. Thanks for a great design!

73 Laurent, F8FAZ - purchased a 6el 50Mz 6.4m LFA2 January 2012


Hello Justin, some news: The antenna functions very very well, before I had an antenna I0JXX 16 elements, but in comparison antenna LFA is better, I have much less noise and I hear station that the others of my area do not hear, really it is an excellent antenna,

73 in soon André HB9HLM - purchased 1 x 13el 144MHz LFA Yagi January 2012


'Awesome front to rear ratio, gain seems to be in the same class as the 6M11JKV and SWR is VERY low, below 1.2: from 50.0 - 50.6MHz. The pattern id very clean, no side lobes at all, no back/side lobes. Now for some DX!'

Max DK1MAX - purchased 2 x 6el 5.8m long LFA-MAX Yagis, February 2012


Attached are some pics of the installation.  As I said it is only 5m above ground at the moment and it just turns in the garden without overhanging my neighbours!  The difference in performance between this and the old vertical really is amazing especially considering that it is so low at the moment.  DX worked so far include VK6NB, OD5PY, ZS2DL, ZS6XT, 5B4AIX, FR5DZ and 3B8CF.
As the garden is so small I am really limited for a tower/mast but I think that, planning permission permitting, I should be able to get it up to a max of around 12m.
I think the quality of materials and build is excellent.  I built the antenna paying particular attention to the dimensions in the build instructions and have had to make no alterations/adjustments at on!
I will be putting pics and information on my web site and will, with your permission, place a link to your site also.  Please feel free to use any of my comments or pics on your site.  If you would like any higher res pics just let me know ..... I just reduced the res and file size of these for ease of mailing them.
I look forward to catching you on 10m also and here's to some good DX propogation!
Best regards'
Update - 8/11/2012
Hi Justin

Just an update on the performance of my 4-ele LFA yagi.

I’m amazed that with the antenna mounted barely 5m above ground I managed to work 172 DXCC and 41 NA states.  Since last weekend I now have the antenna mounted on a Tennamst at 11m above ground.  My 7th contact after mounting the antenna at it’s new height brought me #173, 8R1Z J.  All of this from February through to November.

New pics will appear on my website later this week ....

73 for now Justin

John G4ATA - purchased 4el 28MHz LFA January 2012


'Hi Justin,
Thank you very much for help today and have downloaded the documentation. All is clear and assy. proceeds apace.
As said on telephone, I appreciate the amount of design effort and good workmanship that has gone into this product 
Will let you know how I get on. 
Nice to meet ( even on the twisted pair)
Ken GM3ENJ - purchased 4el 144MHz LFA February 2012


'Good morning Justin,
Thanks and have completed all the initial checkouts of the new antenna and installation. Everything seems to be working very well - now just need a bit of conditions. Checkout with a couple of the locals yesterday seem to indicate a big improvement and the RF measurements speak for themselves. I spent a lot of time making sure I got the element lengths were exactly as you specified them and the result was terrific, never made an adjustment to what you recommended. Clearly a very good match and as you said, broadband.

You might be interested to know that there was a lot of interest in what I was doing on the chat board yesterday. You are going to be making a lot of North American bound antennas I believe.

Front to back appears to be > 35 dB pretty darn good in fact maybe the best I have ever seen on any antenna. No precise front to side measurements yet but K6FV/b was +10 dB / S9 straight on and not moving the meter 90 degrees off the front.
Thank you for providing an excellent design and product. Please do not hesitate to use my comments and photos anywhere you like. If you have any Hams sitting on the fence refer them to me and will be happy to provide very positive comments.
BTW, another curiosity, all of my "birdies" on and around 50.110 are now gone - completely. Another big bonus.'
Best 73, Chuck NA6XX - purchased 1 x 8el 50MHz LFA December 2011


'Hi Justin, I had a quick play,  they seem to work well, the noise level is lower than with the Tonnas and listening to PI7CIS they seem to be better, with a more defined peak, but time will tell, there were a few locals chatting on 2m FM from the Leeds area, it was good to be able to completely null them out, so there is definitely better suppression of side lobes.'

Robin G1MHU - purchased 2 x 8el 144MHz LFA January 2012


'Received one of your antennas earlier in the week from Les at ATRC in Sydney. it is a 4el LFA-s 2.8M Boom. I am really impressed with the build quality WOW.'

Andy VK5AKH - purchased 1 x 4el 50MHz LFA January 2012


'During the contest the performance was close to my 8ele at the same height and the antenna busted a lot of piles ups easily. You may be aware that the weather was not exactly good with some quite strong winds.'

Martin G4XUM (MD4K) - purchased a 5 el 28MHz OWA October 2011

'Hello Justin,

as I wrote on my comments on the antenna mechanics I will also give you some info about my operation experience.

After some weeks of operation I am very satisfied with the antennas. I get good reports via moon and at times I could receive my own echoes with -20dB. Also SWR seems to be very stable even under rain (no ice and snow so far, hi). I can really recommend the LFA’s.

Having AZ/EL control for an antenna for the first time EME is real fun now. I had also the luck to contact 8P9MS who worked with a single 14 El. Yagi under rather high degradation.'

73 de Ernst, DK1VI - purchased 4 x 8el LFA for 144MHz Summer 2011

'Hi Justin,

The Array is truly Fabulous.  I think I  sent you the final SWR measurements a bit ago.  

We have had precious little propagation into the west coast so far.  There has been no true F2 yet. We've had a smattering of Es links into the F2

from the Southern Pacific areas. Any station that I've heard I've been able to work easily. The T32C and a bunch of VKs have been worked without breaking a sweat.

Typically the locals either don't hear anything or a minimal signal.  I hope we get the real F2 in November as The Fabulous LFA Antenna Array will be able to work whatever is out there.'

W7EW, Lew - Installed 6 x 7el50MHzSeptember 2011


I just have test the antenne with a staion 40km away. My signal was s9+10 and drop down to 0 on the backside. WOW !!! No side lobs! I have lost many beeps and strange sounds from the area too. ‘

The next day he sent this:

‘VK7AC  in pile up no problem!  100w’

PA2DB , Marcus - installed 4el 28MHz LFA October 2011


'Front to Back ratio is FB. A local beacon is 9 +5dB when pointing at it, when I turn away, I can barely here it'

And later in another mail.....

'Hello Justin,

new 4x8 LFA array is up and running! Today I made the first EME QSO and I must admit that performances are astonishing! I got a lot of very loud echoes when Moon was elevated above horizon then, when the Moon was around 5° of elevation, I started to hear very huge echoes with strongest around -7db measured with WSJT and Spectran. Ground gain is a good boost! I kept to get strong echoes even when Moon was already below the horizon so, when the natural satellite was around -1°, I started to call K2ZD who was calling CQ. We completed easily and I received RRR from Mario with my Moon at -2.6° below horizon! I couldn’t believe that! The antenna temperature is really very low and I measured it about 4db better than my previous 4x7 array. The F/B also is superb, around 30db with very clean pattern and low side lobes.

I enclose to this email some pictures of the array.

I’ll keep you informed about the tests I’ll run during next days.

Very ’73 de'

Matteo, IW5DHN - installed 4 x 8el 11.7m long LFA2 for 50MHz October 2011


'Just want to let you know that I am ready with my 2x6el LFA( 6,8 m) yagis and have tested them with excellent result ie SWR etc..'

SM5IOT - proud owner of my new LFA's' - installed 2 x 6.8m 6el 50MHz LFAs September 2011


' Not only is the noise level 4 S points lower than on my old antenna, I can now use 4 times as much power as I could with the old system before I see any break-thru on TV or Radio, what a huge difference this makes to my radio life, thank you !!'

Tony, G0MBA - installed 1 x 4el 28MHz LFA Yagi, September 2011


'Hi Justin,

Our second antenna at same height is an M² KT-36XA, a tribander with 5 Elements on 15m. A first longer QSO this evening with a friend who is currently in Namibia V5 brought the result, that the 5 El. LFA is about half an S-Unit louder than the KT-36XA and that result is the same in RX and TX-Mode.

Great, that was what we were hoping, now it is reality'

Wolfgang, DK9VZ - installed 1 x 5el 21MHz LFA Yagi June 2011


'Hi Justin

I’m sorry to tell you that the antenna is still only about 2 meters from the ground. My neighbour has let me down. He’s a farmer and always very busy.

The test set-up though is doing very well. I have noticed that I get QSOs with quite weak signal stations, that I did not get on the other antenna, so I am glad so far, and I am quite exited to get it up about twelve meters. I will keep you updated on the progress.

Thanks for your Interest.'

73, Sven OZ3SA - purchased 1 x 5el 3.9m 50MHz LFA Yagi June 2011


' ... a friend from the club assembled the antenna for me and commented on how well made it was and the attention to detail. Even down to the countersinking of small hole for certain components. Excellent job and very pleased, my future antennas will be from you.'

Peter G4FPJ - purchased 1 x 6el 144MHz LFA yagi June 2011


'Hi Justin

Very pleased.

Attached a couple of shots when the sun finally came out earlier in the week. I have many more in various lighting and in various states of build/install. All are available in high res (4MB) should you wish to use any I will be more than pleased to supply. Am writing up a review on it so hopefully might see that in some future article. Also included my own VSWR plots using my miniVNA with antenna installed on mast (without any tuning required)

Worked several EU station, one CN and one TF, and heard TY1KS but had to go back to work!!! :-( so couldn't work them...'

Dave M0SAT - purchased 9el 50/70 dualband Yagi July 2011


'After some weekends work the projected 4 x 6 el Yagi Group is now finally up at a height of 24m (top antenna) with a spacing of 1.8 m in H. The antennas having a very good VSWR of 1,02! Also the group sounds very quiet and as calculated. In comparison with the 2x18M2 at 35 m on top of the tower the group  has about ~2db less noise floor measured with the Flex 5000 RX spectrum mode. I do now coverage a QTF of 325 to 125 deg for the moment with this very good “2nd antenna” system. So I look forward to work a lots of G´s with this antenna too and I be very curious for the next contests.'


Frank, DJ0QZ (DR3A) - purchased 4 x 6el (rear mount) 144MHz LFAs March 2011


'70cms + 70Mhz, new rotator and thrust bearing all installed safely. 70cms = 1.1 to 1  @ 432.200 - 4m = 1.1 to 1 @ 70.200 Result !

Mast is still in it's lowest position, so normal operating  height is up 2m or more from photo. I could hear the Bristol beacon on 432.934 @ 51 strength so know its receiving....'

More later....

'Tried out the 13 ele 2m LFA yagi in the 2m trophy weekend. Band was deafly quiet (no noise) worked EVERYONE i could hear 1st or 2nd shout, front to back/side is AMAZING!! if your not pointing at them they are not there anymore. Best DX was 830km in flat conditions with 50w, just tuning round to test antenna. Compared some weak dx with my friend 1km away against his 2x13 cushcrafts. i could her the weaker dx better on my single 13 LFA, result. Just 70cms to test nex...t"

Mike G4VPD - purchased 5el 70MHz LFA, 5el 50MHz LFA, 13el 144MHz LFA and a 17el 432MHz LFA August 2011


'... This is really a well built antenna so I know it's going to kick butt on the air as well look good in the air.. '

Don WC4D - purchased 6el 50MHz LFA2 August 2011


'Been a poor season up here although I was absent during the ST0R opening, and the only day it opened to the mid-west USA. I did however manage to find DU1GM on the 28th June at 0935z.

The 12m LFA has added fire power on that band and year to date has accounted for 133-countries.'

John, G3LZQ - purchased 1 x 12el 10/6m 8.2m long, Duo Bander and 1 x 4el LFA-HD for the 12m band, April 2011


'I got one antenna going last night and the improvement is fantastic. Despite troppo conditions being extremely poor here the past couple of days, I'm hearing beacons now that were completely masked in the local noise before. I'm looking forward to later in the week when EME degradation figures improve so I can give it a go on the moon. Previously I had anything up to an S3 noise level on moonset at times and up to S6 - 7 on moonrise. To the west is now pretty much noise free and to the east, it's just audible, but not enough to move the S-meter. '

Alan adds more....

'...At the weekend (using just one antenna so far), I was extremely pleased to get plenty of decodes from Martin, OK1UGA (4 yagis + 1.5KW) and a number of other stations. Martin peaked at -24dB, which is fantastic considering, even though I only have about 3dB more gain than my old antenna, I couldn't hear any of the 8 or 16 yagi stations previously.

I obviously still have a bit of work in tweaking and improving the system, but these initial results are very encouraging. Being only 2km from the Melbourne central business district, its a glowing testament to the performance of the LFA design to be able to work EME in such a "hostile" environment.'

Alan VK3DXE - purchased 2 x 10el LFA July 2011


'Ciao Justin! At least I managed to install the 10 Lfa.. it's amazing thing ... and it work perfectly. I did some EME QSos... I had before another antenna with the same forward gain but it was impossibile to do EME.. but with the LFA? See the log

Grazie! See you soon'

73 de Edmondo IK0ZYH  - purchased 1 x10el 144MHz LFA June 2011


'As example In one direction noise dropped from S4 on the JHV to S1 on the LFA (this is good).  I have now taken down the JHV due to the superior performance of the LFA...'

Jose EA7KA - purchased 1 x 9el 50MHz LFA June 2011


'Best manufactured antenna I have seen, congrats.... ... You really see the antennas are made by a ham for hams for lifetime use...'

And later..

'I have installed one of the 7els in place of the 9el M2 (the other next spring). The LX beacon is 2 S points stronger and much local birdie noise has gone'

Frank DL8YHR - purchased 2 x 7el 8.9m 50MHz LFA2 Yagis June 2011


' ...very happy with the Dual band 50/70 MHz 8 element, and will possibly be looking to purchase a pair of 144MHz Yagi's later this year to replace my Cushcraft 13 ele yagi's....'

Terry G0VFW - purchased a 4/4 (8el) 2.1m long 50/70MHz dual band Yagi June 2011


'Here's an update on the antenna after one month in Slovakia.  It is up and performing well.  It is very sturdy and survived a major hailstorm.  I have made EME contacts on 6m and have worked the USA and PJ6 on CW and Puerto Rico on SSB.  On 4m, I have worked OH9 and made plenty of contacts throughout Europe.  My friend 20km away has a 4m dipole, and he says he hears me working stations he cannot copy at all.  So I'm satisfied.'


Thanks again and 73, Bill NZ5N/OM3BD - purchased a 4.9m 11el 50//70MHz Dual band Yagi May 2011


'swr are 1.1 on 50.110 with MFJ analyser ..........  antenna has fantastic front to back and side ratio. Tested with beacon signal.'
(Spiros has now also worked EME (Earth Moon Earth) on this antenna with 150w and solar power.)
73, Spiros SV8CS - purchased 7el 50MHz WOS June 2011
'I finally got the antennas installed and will have completed the shack wiring by tonight hopefully.  Initial test are very promising.'
Ger EI4GXB - purchased 7el 2m LFA and 4el 6m LFA May 2011


'Hi Justin,

The beam is finally on the mast and currently at about 65'. I have had limited time to use it but it seems to be working extremely well. The pattern is very clean and it must be resonant on 50.200 just using the physical measurement for the driven element given in the manual. I have flat SWR across the whole range 50.000 to 50.400 and the Alpha 8406 PA loads into the beam at exactly the same tuning settings as it does into the Bird 50 ohm dummy load. 
My first contact was with VO1KVT followed by two TF stations and a K4 - all worked first call in pile-ups. Conditions have been very patchy but I have also heard KP4 and HI8 and could have worked them if I had had the time. 
I am very impressed. Thank you for your help and congratulations on a great product.'
Robert G3NSM - purchased 7el 50MHz WOS LFA2 May 2011

'Hi Justin,

Antenna tuned up just fine. Excellent build quality!....

...It looks very nice from the street. Extremely good job guys! Now I just wait until e-sporadic hits KO29. I guess it's your first antenna from KO29 ;)
I'll add a link to your fabulous antenna to my qrz page.

Thanks again Justin - it has been a pleasure.

 Aadu, ES1TU - purchased 4el 50MHz LFA Yagi May 2011


'I borrowed one  of your antennas from OG2M. The antenna performed very well, swr was 1.05:1 from 50000-50150MHz.'

OH3XR - using one of 5 x 7el 8.9m long LFAs purchased by OG2M May 2011


'hard job today! but the antenna looks very nice swr 1:1 all the band, very happy here thank you for all.'

Later comments...

'The best i have! Today i work brazil, usa, canary isl., madeira heard d44 9y  with no noise and great signals arrive here,
very happy here with this antenna.'

73 CU3EQ - purchased 1 x 7el 50MHz LFA-LN May 2011


'Ciao Justin,  all OK,  the antenna  works very well,  it is at 30 mtr. on the tower.-  Many thanks- 73 de i5zss-Pat.--   P.S.   Yesterday i have worked 4 stations from  North-America.-'
Pat I5ZSS - purchased a 5el 4.1m long 50MHz LFA May 2011


'I was very impressed by the quality of the antenna and apparent solidity. I have been QRT for many years and are setting up some new antennas. I have already bought some other VHF/UHF antennas, if not I would have bought them from you...'

Svein-Erik LA9MW - purchased 4/6m 8el 2.1m long Duo band Yagi May 2011


' I have been in telecomunications for 20 years (now with Marconi) and have purchased many types of antennas and I can say they your antenna is very professional in build, one of the best I have seen. I hope performance is so good!'

Freddy IZ1EPM - purchased 1 x 7el 50MHz LFA April 2011


'80% of my city noise has now gone after replacing my M2 antennas and I see signals better than I ever have. Your antennas are excellent hi'

added later:

'I just completed with JO1LVZ (via EME) in 5 minutes and he runs just 50watts! This is my best ever result, thanks again for some great antennas!'

Jean Jacques TK5JJ - Purchased 4 x 9el LFA for 144MHz April 2011


'It was a pleasure to meet you and your family, and to witness the fine attention to detail employed during the construction of your antennas; I will be sure to spread the word...'

Stewart GM0GTU - Purchased 4 x 16el 432MHz LFAs and 2 x 12el 144MHz LFAs March 2011


'Impressed with the build quality of my antennas, they are built to last...'
Ger EI4GXB - Purchased 1 x 4el 50MHz LFA and 1 x 6el 144MHz LFA, March 2011

'Antenna fed directly with Westflex 50 ohm low-loss - not really analysed the SWR yet but certainly looks 1:1 around 50.100'
Terry G4AMT - Purchased 5el 3.9m LFA-HG for 50MHz, March 2011

Terry made a video which you can see


'I received the antennas yesterday and unpacked them just now. Crikey they are long,fortunately though they do fit as expected!

They look great .... Performance seems very good. I have previously struggled a bit with eme but hrd S58M and R9SL in the first 5 mins of pointing to the moon (moon elevation approx 9 degrees)'

Andrew G4KWQ - Purchased 2 x 14el 144MHz LFA Yagis February 2011


'Just to let you know that the LFA yagi is now 44 ft up in the air above the chimney pots. Not much activity on 2 metres at the moment. The PI7CIS beacon at Schevingen at 295 km is coming in S6 as is the ON0VHF beacon at the same distance. The swr, measured on the MFJ259b is 1.2 almost throughout the band. My aerial rigger, a pro who used to work for BT putting up their microwave stuff was very impressed by the quality and construction of your antenna. It made the 10 el Diamond yagi which came down look cheap and nasty. He removed all my cable ties (rubbish he said) and replaced with UV proof tape. 
Will give you some more feedback in the future. Thanks for your good services. '
Vince G0AQT -
Purchased 1 x 7el 144MHz LFA Yagi February 2011

'I picked up the package and finished the installation of the LFA yagi today. What a difference!!

I could not believe how much less noise and other trash I have now. The F/B is also amazing: pointing at a birdie and turn the back to that position and gone is the birdie. Also the forward gain seems very good and not much difference with the 6M7jhv M2: I can pick up the LX beacon (which I also could with the 6M7jhv) almost permanent but with less noise. I’m impressed. Thanks for a very good product. I’m going to figure out what type of LFA yagi for 70 Mhz can be added to the rest.'

' . . . . The 6m7jhv is ~ 9 meter boom and gain should be 10.3 dBd or so. However the absent of hash and noise (on the LFA) makes it easier to hear weak signals. . . . '

Added later:

'Hi Justin,

Herewith a picture of the LFA yagi. Fantastic results so far. Worked C5YK and TZ6TR with it. TZ6TR was just above noise level but due to dramatic reduced hash/noise, no problem to copy.

I’m busy with 4 meter setup and need to erect the pipe on the rotator first. I will come back to you what type I decided.'

Best 73’s Ger PE1CZG - 1 x 6el 6m long LFA Yagi March 2011


' . . . I have to say that they are of top quality materials and build . . . '

'The SWR was absolutely spot on with both antennas with no fiddling around to do. All I have to do now is put them to good use. Thanks once again Justin for an producing such an excellent product.'

Yours Sincerely. Phil Dickens.73 G6PHH. 2 x 11el 144MHz LFA Yagis

After replacing 2 x 17el Tonnas with 2 x 11el LFAs Phil was so impressed he bought another 2 x 11el LFAs and went on to say....

'Hello Justin,the splitter arrived this morning and has duly been installed. I have spent most of the day just aligning everything up and securing cables.I hoisted it all vertical for a quick test and was instantly impressed when I was able to copy two nice solid eme traces with a very low noise level.

So they all seem to working very well Justin.
It was just a shame that there was not a lot of activity on eme today,those there seem to be on 6 meters eme.
But I am well satisfied with your LFA's Justin and they should prove to be a very good improvement to be able to copy lots more weak signals from the moon.'


' .. heard RK3FG today -18dB without the mastpreamp via EME *first reception*YES!! (turned antennas by good luck) Next weekend i finish my digital readout.
I am very happy with your yagi's and alot of people in the club came to see them. Now ON6ZG, ON6NL and me use G0KSC. ON7YT and others want to build LFA yagi's too HI cheers&beers from sunny Belgium.'

Dirk Reyners ON5GS 4 x 12el 144MHz LFA Plus2
April 2011


'Regarding performance it's a joy. Worked LA2Z with 10W to around 25meters of RG-213 with NO PRE-AMP :) Received him with excellent signal. So what can I say, really impressed as usual. So now I just need the preamp up the mast and some more pwr. Not to mention the 24m mast and three more antennas :)'

73 de Kai SM0RCL 1 x 13el 144MHz LFA Plus2 April 2011




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