Best HF Yagi - XR6C - 11el 6 band 'Compact' HF & 6m Yagi

Manufacturer InnovAntennas

Best HF Yagi - Multiband HF Yagi XR6C - The most compact, highly efficient Ham Yagi available today - InnovAntennas XR6C 3.5m long, 8.8m wide


Available through WiMo Germany and DX Engineering in the USA - for Direct factory supply, Email us for pricing and time lines. - 


best hf yagi - The InnovAntennas XR6C 20m to 6m

An 11 element multi-band HF & 6m Super-compact Yagi covering 20m/17m/15m/12m/10m/6m bands with a single feed point.

Capacity Loading high efficiency loading

Best Hf Yagi Antenna - The XR6C uses capacity hats to reduce the width of the 20m elements which is the most efficient method of loading Additionally, width has not been reduced more than 23% of the original radiator length, after this point radiating efficiency drops drastically. The XR6C radiates more of your power!

Unique in the Market

The XR6C has been given the 6m band in addition to the traditional 5 HF bands of 20/17/15/12/10 to match today's HF rigs and give excellent performance on all bands. with a boom of just 3.5m and weighing under 30 Kilos, this antenna has created its own place in the 'full size' HF Beam market.

Unlimited Power Handling

The XR6C has no matching devices, no traps, no coils, no hairpins so nothing to lose valueable power and thus, nothing to over-heat through these inefficient devices. This means the only power limitation you have is how much power your coax cable can handle.

 The Ideal partner for SDR Radios

The XR6C is an ideal partner for today's top SDR radios. There is no limitation in how many bands you can monitor or use at once. This means with products such as the Flex 6700, all 6 bands can be monitored at the same time WITHOUT COMPROMISE.

Improved Performance

The XR6C MKII has been in development for the last 12 months improving bandwidth and gain to ensure more of each band than ever before can be used without the requirement of an ATU. 

Multiband, Performance-Busting Design

The more bands there are added to a multi-band Yagi, the more interlaced elements there are and in turn, performance per band drops with each no band added. The Unique design of the XR6 MkII means no more than 3 band are interlaced on any part of the boom.

Increased Rigidity

We have modified the construction of the XR6C to provide a more rigid look with faster taper to ensure fatigue due to vortex shedding (constant wind flow causing vibration) are not an issue. 20m element start at 35mm diameter and boom is 50mm diameter.

Excellent All-Weather handling and reliability 

With no moving parts and being modelled for wide bandwidth per band, the XR6C MkII is very forgiving in all weathers allowing you to enjoy your hobby whatever the location or time of year.

Maintainance Free

Icom North America and Kenwood UK changed their HF antennas to 'XR's' to ensure reliability and remove the need for maintenance. If you don't want to be climbing the tower each year to fix stuff, the XR6C MkII is for you.

The Right Materials for the Job

The XR6C standing on it's own in terms of quality. built using the latest CNC technology, all components are at the top of their field too. Our insulators are UV protected and handle -170 to +240 degrees C, our hardware is Marine Grade Stainless Steel and our aluminium aerospace grade T6 6066/6082.


Technical Specification:

Power Handling: 10KW+

Weight: 34 kilos

Turning Radius: 16' / 4.84m

Boom Length: 11'8'' / 3.5m

Projected area: 12.56 SqFt /1.167SqMtr

Wind Survival: 107Mph / 172Kph

Average Gain per band @ 20m above average ground: 11.24dBi



A European version of the XR6C (Compact) installed at GI0TSS 

The new XR6 MkII being tested at our factory

Close-up of the feed arrangement on the XR6 MkII with straight, parallel lines

The XR6 MkII side view showing the short (3.5m) boom

View of the 50mm (2") Square boom and element holders on the rear of the antenna



XR6 Mk1 version, installed at 9J2MM

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