3 element 70MHz LFA-Q Super-Gainer Rear Mounting Quad Style Yagi

Available through WiMo Germany and DX Engineering in the USA - for Direct factory supply, Email us for pricing and time lines.
www.dxengineering.com - www.wimo.com
A 3 element LFA-Q (Super-rigid Quad-style) Super-Light Yagi for 69.9-70.5MHz
The LFA-Q Packs a bigger punch than a traditional Yagi with MUCH MORE GAIN per metre of boom
If it is GAIN you want from a small boom, this is the antenna for you!
Why Rear Mount? One good reason is to allow another rear mount antenna on the other side of your mast and hence doubling the bands you can cover!
Another impressive design from G0KSC, 'The Quad has been InnovAted!' A Quad-style antenna with full wave length loop elements which provide a number of benefits. First, if the elements are of reasonable thickness (as ours are, they are not wire!) then good bandwidth coverage can be achieved. Next, up to around 7 elements (1.5wl) much better gain per metre of boom can be achieved than would otherwise be possible from a traditional Yagi covering the same bandwidth. Finally, with the dual-boom structure and 1/2'' diameter elements, the LFA-Q is extremely rigid and can stand up to some serious weather conditions!
Despite it's rigidity, the LFA-Q is extremely light weight and this means even in strong winds, snow and ice the LFA-Q will hold its own.
Our antennas are constructed with the best quality materials in order that the best mechanical construction can be achieved, not the cheapest and most profitable! Even a digital caliper is used (with an accuracy of .01mm) to measure the elements during production to ensure they are within 0.2mm of what they should be, this ensures they work as well as our software model predicts.
- Marine grade Stainless Steel Fittings
- Original Stauff Insulation clamps
- Mill finished boom and elements for highest levels of accuracy
For more information
Gain: 8.82dBi @ 70.2MHz
F/B: 24.02dB @ 70.2MHz
Peak Gain: 8.9dBi
Gain 10m above ground: 12.47dBi
Peak F/B: 16.95dB
Power Rating: 5kw
SWR: Below 1.4.1 from 69.9MHz to 70.5MHz
Boom Length: 1.48m
Loop Height: 50cms
Weight: 2kg/2.5lbs
Safe Wind Speed: 160Kph/100Mph
Turning Radius: 2.15m/8ft
Vertical Stacking: 2.75m
Customer comment on the LFA-Q:
''Very nice...assembled and installed over the last two days - even though it arrived over night!
Performs extremely well - It replaced a MET 144 8T (remember them) that was about 20 years old - the gamma match had become unstable - suspect the trombone dielectric has aged/decayed.
This antenna has great FB like the MET but I think gain is very comparable and bandwidth far, far superior.
Thanks for the great service
Martin VE7MM/G4EZG''
This antenna is made with a 1/2 inch (12.7mm) and 3/8 inch (9.525mm) diameter tube for the LFA-Q and the boom sections are 3/4'' 19mm diameter. This antenna is not made cheaply, it is made to perform and to do so for many years with Marine Grade Stainless Steel fixings.
No figures are made up here as they are in some Ham Radio adverts, all performance figures are verified in the very latest software simulation packages with some antennas being professionally confirmed on an antenna range.
Azimuth Plot
Elevation Plot 10m above ground
Manufactured the right way, not the cheapest way!
* Where possible marine grade stainless steel components are used.