4 element 27MHz/28MHz LFA-Q Quad Beam (7.5m)

Available through WiMo Germany and DX Engineering in the USA - for Direct factory supply, Email us for pricing and time lines.
www.dxengineering.com - www.wimo.com
A 4 element 27MHz or 28MHz LFA-Q Quad-style beam antenna handles 20KW+ !. Second Generation LFA Yagi !
The G0KSC LFA-Q beam antenna provides a new slant on the proven quad style beam antenna. The LFA-Q is a super-strong, super-rigid Quad which provides very high levels of gain for it's size, while at the same time maximising all round performance. Hard to beat with a direct 50 Ohm feedpoint and no matching losses and suppression of unwanted noise due to the closed loop system.
The LFA-Q is one of the only 11m antennas on the market that will handle 20KW+ out of the box. If you want to run an antenna that can take power that had excellent gain, look no further than the LFA-Q!
The LFA-Q deploys 2 x tapered square booms with 45mm to 40mm sections with thick wall, one at the top of the structure and one at the bottom, which enable the antenna to be ultra-rigid and stand up to extreme weather conditions such as severe ice and wind loading.
This 4 element LFA-Q is an excellent option if you do not have space, especially stacked !! 2 at just 12m spacing provides 18.62dBi (when placed 10m above ground)!!
2 x 4el InnovAntennas 11m Quads stacked 12m apart vertically
A single 4el 11m Quad installed at 10m above ground 16.13dBi
NOTE: With all our 11m antennas we can custom design your element taper and element size requirements in order to cater for all weather and installation requirements.
Gain: 16.13dBi @ 27.5MHz 10m above average ground
F/B: 23.77dB @ 27.5MHz
Peak Gain: 16.2dBi
Peak F/B: 26.56dB
Power Rating: 40kw+
SWR: Below 1.4:1 from 27.300MHz to 27.700MHz (Can be adjusted for CW, SSB or mixture of both)
Stacking Distance: 12m
2 Stacked Gain @ 12m spacing: 16.64dBi
2 Stacked F/B: 26dBi
Boom Length: 7.5m
Distance between booms: 2.5m
Weight: 30KG
Turning Radius: 4.45m
Wind Survival: 184KPH