3el Grave Radar LFA Yagi 143MHz

A 3el rear mounted LFA Yagi for Graves radar reception - Limited time offer FREE Balun supplied with this antenna worth £29.95!
Often enthusiasts point Yagi antennas towards the Grave Radar in France to receive meteor reflections of the radar signal. A short Yagi with a wide beamwidth in the elevation plane is ideal for this purpose and hence, the 3el LFA by InnovAntennas optimised for 143.050MHz is an excellent choice.
This Yagi is not a re-tuned 2m Ham band Yagi, it is specifically optimised for the reception of Graves Radar transition.
A 3el Graves LFA Yagi ready for connection to a receiver.
Performance single antenna:
Gain: 8.44dBi - free space
F/B: 21.26dB
-3dB E-plane: 61.4 degrees
-3dB H-plane: 95.4 degrees
Impedance: 50Ohm balanced
SWR: 143.048MHz + - 500KHz better than 1.2:1
Stacking Distances
2 antennas: 1.3m vertically
The 3el Graves LFA Yagi is made with a 3/4" square boom which has a rear mounting to suit up to a 2" round mast. parasitic elements are 1/4" solid rod and arre fully insulated from the boom. the drive loop is 1/2" with 3/8" loop end sections and the loop opposite the feed point is grounded which will help prevent unwanted out-of-band signals and also, help protect the receiver from static too.
Azimuth plot of a single 3el Graves LFA Yagi in free space
Elevation plot of a single 3el Graves LFA Yagi. Note the 95.5 degrees beamwidth
important for metoer reflection reception
The above shows ground (reflection) gain when the 3el Graves LFA
is placed 25' above average conductive ground
Analyser plot of the 3el Graves LFA at installation - 1.01:1 @ 143.060MHz. The plot also shows
a sweep 1MHz either side of this frequency
The 3el Graves LFA fitted with a ferrite core balun and low-loss feedline. The Balun helps prevent
unwanted signals picked up on the outer sleeve of the feed line from entering the receiver chain.